
Let’s Learn Du’a – P1


Subject: HADITH
2 1/2, 3 1/2

The purpose of “Let’s Learn Dua” series, i.e. books P1 to Grade-8 is:

  • To memorise the Adi’yah (supplications).
  • To practice
  • To earn rewards (thawab).

Muallim/ ah’s are advised to ensure that the pupils memorise the Arabic text exactly as it is, as well as its English translation. The pupil must be encouraged constantly and the Muallim/ ah should emphasize the importance of practicing these Adi’yah.


Through the blessings of these Adi’yah 

(supplications), the Muallim/ ah and the learner will attain success in this Dunya and Aakhirah, 



There are Ten Adi’yah in this book.


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