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Know Your World-History/Geography-6

The books provide comprehensive information and learning structures. The selection of content is based on relevance, importance, and objectivity. The cheerful and lively layout of the book has been designed to ensure maximum student engagement in learning.

The Geography section covers topics relating to the physical geography of the world and the economic geography of Pakistan. Illustrations and diagrams reinforce and add to the concepts introduced in the text

Know Your World Books 6-8 are part of an eight-book series for primary to lower secondary classes.

The books include topics from history, geography, economics, civics, and culture They introduce students of lower secondary classes to new concepts and build on some earlier concepts in detail. The basic idea is to enable the students to analyze history and its influence on the present, recognize elements of the physical world and their impact on our lives; and contribute towards creating a compassionate, ethical society. The relevance of the content to the students’ own lives is emphasized so that interest in learning is enhanced.

All the books in the series include interactive tasks aimed at skills development-critical and analytic thinking, and reasoning.


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